Skills - Transformation services

Project leadership

Project leadership can have a high impact on the success of a project. With project leadership we refer to the role of taking the lead in a project. A project is mainly driven by the actual team members working in or for a project. For this team to operate most effective and efficient it needs the right guidance, coaching, facilitation and decision-making. But not only the team members, also the stakeholders, sponsors, owners and acceptors of a project need this support.

We see this as project leadership which predominately should come from the project manager or the person in charge of a project. Next to the project manager this role should also, when required, be able to be fulfilled by other key team members.

Project leadership is not only about structure, facts and figures. This role also should display the desired project values and lead by example. Think about the right conduct and behaviour, a common understanding of ‘what does good look like’, showing perseverance combined with appropriate respect and humbleness and last but not least the ability to put things in perspective and to have fun.

AdviSingh can bring the desired leadership into your project or program. Either by taking place in the project management role or by support the current project management and equipping them with the leadership skills.

Project Management Office

We refer to Project Management Office (PMO) as the role in a project or program that defines and maintains project management standards. It’s responsible for keeping project directions and status in one place, enabling a successful execution of change initiatives. The PMO is the custodian of documentation, guidance, and metrics for project execution. The PMO makes sure projects are completed on time and on budget.

The application of a PMO role is crucial for a project but strongly depends on the nature and context of such a project. In other words; the execution of a PMO doesn’t necessarily mean it requires a dedicated person or group. Project managers or other team members should also be able to take this role. 

AdviSingh can support in all aspects of the PMO role. The setup or creation of a PMO, fulfill the PMO role or boost your existing PMO. We bring the appropriate competences, behavior and best practices (tools/templates/ procedures) to make a project or program successful.

Change Management

We refer to change management as the role and capability in a project to help the organisation understand and embrace a new way of working, new processes or systems.

Often projects tend to underestimate the power and impact of change management. Projects are genuinely at risk of coming to nothing if change management is not embedded properly in a project approach.

AdviSingh can support projects in defining the required change management approach or execute the actual change management required. This varies from user adoption up to executive stakeholder management.

Execution Playbook


AdviSingh has created a so called ‘execution playbook’ to share how we approach projects. We believe there is no single rigid approach for all projects. Each project should have a tailored approach defined which then should be applied rigorously. How to define the right project approach ? This can be based on a number of fundamentals which should be taken into account. In our execution playbook we have explained these project fundamentals and how they can be applied. This playbook is used as a starting point to create a robust set up for a new project or to boost an existing project.

Expertise -Transformation topics


We refer to Sourcing as the type of set up for the functions and services in an organization. Determining how the required resources are obtained (sourced) for such a function or services. With the particular focus to manage business and operational processes more efficient and effective both on internal and external level.

AdviSingh can support in the implementation of a sourcing strategy for functions or operations. We have an expertise in both IT outsourcing and business process outsourcing from decision making until and including transition/implementation.

Example of activities we performed for other clients are:

  • selection and contracting

  • execution of a transition project

  • design and implementation of new operating and governance models

  • realisation of improvement initiatives in running operations with a sourcing partner 

Function Transformation

With function transformation we refer to all initiatives or objectives defined for a certain function in the organisation to operate more efficient and effective. There are multiple well known transformation topics that can be applied determined by the current state and desired state of the function based on the company’s strategy and business targets. These topics often are defined around the organisation, process and systems operating in a function.
Some examples are:

  • shared services

  • outsourcing

  • process improvement and automation

  • system implementation

  • performance management

  • target operating model implementation

AdviSingh can support in all aspects of these transformation initiatives. We have gained and developed a great deal of expertise in mainly Finance and IT transformation programs.

Experience -Transformation projects

IT Infrastructure Transition

Transfer of total IT infrastructure to private cloud environment of outsourcing partner and replacement of the network.

Lack of knowledge and expertise of application landscape within client organisation and mixed system landscape with legacy and home-brew systems.

Applied a strict governance guarding the planning and order of applications to be transferred as part of the program. Determined the pace and timing of the transfers on business planning to minimize the risk of disruptions. Standardized approach in building blocks with tol gates for each transfer including resource planning & availability.

Results & Achievements
Successfully transfered 200+ applications. Updated documentation based on analysis and testing outcomes.

The lessons learned
Do not save the best for last. Take the challenging and large applications first.

Create a strong governance on the planning enabling a dynamic approach to facilitate unexpected business or other delays/events.

Don’t assume people know what to do. Especially not internal employees and vendors. Standardize, explain, instruct, monitor and chase.

Make sure both parties, client and outsourcing partner, know what should be done and how. One can be in the lead but both have the responsibility to be aware of what’s going on in a program.

Digital Workplace

Build and roll out of new digital workplace with a digital portal accessing all applications for users. Based on the latest Microsoft products (O365 and Windows 10). Enabling employees to work anywhere, anytime and on every device.

Design of a flexible user friendly workplace within the security and risk management guidelines of a financial institution. Dealing with differences in maturity of user groups. Maintain stability of technical solution and bringing together access of all applications in a single new environment. Outsourcing partner struggling with delivery and availability of requires resources and expertise.

Applied a comprehensive testing and acceptance approach for the design and technical build of the solution. Created a tailored and detailed user adoption approach and campaign for all types of users and different parts of the organization. Chosen to maximize effort in pre and testing phase. Rather than shifting this to post-testing and issue handling phase.

Results & Achievements
Successfully rolled out 900+ workplaces and encouraged user community to use and further leverage their new digital workplace. Documented and implemented standard processes and knowledge for the management organization.

The lessons learned
Make sure your IT infrastructure (e.g. network, mobile devices, laptops) is up to date or able to support or facilitate the desired digital workplace solution.

Take ownership of the testing process and safeguard user requirements are robust to challenge a solution. Find the balance and agree on the requirements and acceptance.

Take ownership of your user adoption approach. Minimize perception and maximise experience. This will boost the acceptance and success of your rollout.

Find the balance of boldness and respect in your approach towards your sourcing partner. Act pro-active and demanding to drive delivery on commitments.

Finance BPO


Transformation of the finance function and outsourcing of finance processes to outsourcing partner

Management of interdependencies with other large programs on corporate level and at the same time dealing with 30+ countries local regulations and stakeholders. Together with a outsourcing partner struggling to deliver quality and performance on both transition and operation.

Robust and strong transition planning with detailed toll-gate procedures. Absorbing the required flexibility to deal with local events jeopardising the timelines. Structuring and prioritizing action plans and decision making to maintain required progress.

Results & Achievements
Successfully transitioned 30+ countries in EMEA region within 24 months. Creation of standard transition approach and establishment of governance and operating model for future global outsourcing and ssc roadmap.

The lessons learned
Having a clear and detailed workers council team and approach in place can boost your transition program.