AdviSingh delivers no-nonsense project management for executives who want to accelerate their improvement initiatives or who want to boost a failing project.
We operate with strong, experienced, trustworthy and high skilled independent consultants.
Our focus and expertise is in Finance, IT & Operations.
Objectives and targets have been set and the next steps of implementation and results are awaiting…
A project is not running well, the progress is unclear and questions about planning remain unanswered…
“There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs”
The circumstances mentioned above typically require straight forward project management. This power of execution is what we deliver. We focus on creating instant output and impact of results.
We are able to do so through our independent consultants with extensive project experience and strong track records. We implement robust structures where required. And we can turnaround deadlocks in projects with our creativity and enthusiasm.
For years we have been supporting companies in projects. Our next step is the creation of this platform organisation offering clients project managent support from independent professionals.
Find out more about us and our community of independent professionals. See who we are, where we are from, what we have accomplished with other clients in the past and what we are capable of.
Learn about our approach, the way we work and the type of projects we have done. Let us share how we execute our assignments, what type of support we can deliver and what we can do for you.